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Using Promotional Umbrellas to Bolster Your Brand Image

Whilst there are many ways to improve the visibility of your brand, custom umbrellas are an exceptional choice. However, not many marketers seem to consider umbrellas as branding tools due to its high perceived cost. However umbrellas make pedigree marketing tools that will make your branding successful. Apart from communicating your marketing message to potential and existing customers, they also serve as a symbol of your business identity. Elegant and high utility gifts like umbrellas are also a great way for marketers to show that they care.

Here are just some of the ways umbrellas can strengthen your brand identity and ensure that your customers remember you..

Open channels of Communication

Giving someone a gift will evoke a sense of reciprocity in the minds of the audience. It will surely encourage them to do business with you.

Promotes a Favorable Image

Building a positive reputation for businesses may take a long time. However, incorporating promotional giveaways into your plan will cut down on this time. Surveys show that a majority of people who received an item remembered the name of the company that gave it to them and had a favorable opinion about it.

Umbrellas are never discarded

Everyone needs umbrellas to stay safe from elements and drive up the outdoor fashion. An average user may need multiple umbrellas – one for their home, office or even their car. High utility gifts like umbrellas are more likely to get passed along to others even when your recipients do not need it. The more the product is passed along, the greater the total audience. This will lower the cost per impressions and your ROI.

Stick Around for a Long Time

Conventional advertisements have only a short shelf life. However promotional products like umbrellas are a unique form of advertising that could potentially target your audience for an unlimited amount of time. In addition, every time your recipients open their umbrellas to stay safe from elements, your brand will get impressions.

Large Surface Area

One of the best things about umbrellas is that they offer quite a large surface area for you to print your logo, marketing message and artwork. Besides, you can even make use of the whole canopy or even the inner panels to place your message. It will get your message well noticed and will engage the audience with it.

Extensive Range

There is a wide variety of models in custom umbrellas to choose from. So, you can choose one that meets the needs of your business and the preferences of your customers. Whether you want a traditional standard umbrella, an auto open umbrella or something quirky like inverted umbrella there is sure to be an option that will meet these requirements.

Highly useful

Apart from being protective items against elements, umbrellas even make décor items or props among others. Some celebrities even use it to protect their identity while in a crowd . the multiple used means that umbrellas will always stay with the audience.

Suitable for All Ages

Another great thing about umbrellas is that they’re suitable for recipients of all ages – men, women and children. It’s likely that everyone needs umbrellas to stay safe from sun and rain. There are even unique models for children. So umbrellas make a great choice to engage family audiences.

Do you think umbrellas will meet your promotional goals? Share your thoughts with us on our facebook page.

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